How to Make Money with AI and One Page Website: ($740 Per Month)

Look for what we call "old school" businesses. These are businesses that still do a lot of work through personal connections and referrals...

Hey there! Let's talk about a cool way to make money online. It's called high-ticket affiliate marketing with AI and SEO. Don't worry if that sounds complicated. We'll break it down into easy bits.

First, let's take a look at a website that's doing this. At first glance, it might not seem impressive. It only gets 278 visitors a month. That's not a lot, right? And its domain rating is just 13. Domain rating is a number that shows how strong a website is based on its backlinks. Backlinks are when other websites link to yours.

But here's the exciting part: this website made $740 in one month! How? It's all about how much money each visitor is worth.

This website focuses on finance stuff. The owner made a special deal with a finance company. Here is how it works:

  1. When the website sends a new customer to the finance company, the website owner gets 50% of what the customer pays in the first year.
  2. After that, the website owner gets 25% of what the customer pays each year.
  3. Customers usually stick around for 7 to 8 years.

So, even though there aren't many visitors, each one could be worth a lot of money!

Now, you might be thinking, "That sounds great, but how do I get a deal like that?" Good question! It's all about finding the right kind of business to work with.

Look for what we call "old school" businesses. These are businesses that still do a lot of work through personal connections and referrals. Some examples are:

  • Lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Financial advisors
  • Insurance agents
  • Real estate agents

These kinds of businesses often pay people for bringing them new customers. They might call it an "introducer system" or a "referral program."

When you talk to these businesses, don't ask them to pay you upfront. Instead, say something like this: "I think I can bring you some new customers. How about we try it out? You only pay me if I actually bring you customers." This makes it less risky for them, so they're more likely to say yes.

Now, let's talk about how to actually get people to visit your website. This is where SEO comes in. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's about making your website show up when people search for things on Google.

Here's the cool part: you don't need a big, fancy website with lots of pages. You can do this with just one page! Here's how:

  1. Get the right domain name. A domain name is the address of your website. For example, if you're trying to get customers for a lawyer, you might try to get a domain like "".
  2. Make one really good homepage. You want this page to have all the information someone might be looking for.
  3. Use AI to help write your content. There are tools that can help you write stuff quickly. Then you can fix it up to make it sound just right.
  4. Get your site listed in online directories. This is like being in the phone book but for websites.
  5. Keep an eye on how your site is doing. Are people finding it? Are they clicking on it?
  6. Build good backlinks. Remember those? It's when other websites link to yours. This can be tricky, but it's important.

Here's a smart way to do this: don't just make one website. Make a bunch! Maybe 10 or 20. Each one for a different business or in a different town. Then see which ones start to do well. Focus on those.

When you're checking how your sites are doing, don't just look at how many visitors you're getting. Look at how many keywords your site is showing up for in Google. Even if you're not getting lots of visitors yet, showing up for lots of keywords is a good sign. It means your site is on the right track.

Now, here's something important to remember: this takes time. The top results on Google are often 2-3 years old. But that's actually good news! It means if you start now and keep at it, you could have a really valuable website in a few years.

Think of it like planting a tree. When you first plant it, it's small. But if you take care of it, it grows bigger and stronger over time. Your website is like that tree. The work you do now can pay off for years to come.

Let's talk a bit more about how to make your one-page website really good. Remember, this page needs to do all the work of getting people to contact the business you're working with.

Here are some tips:

  1. Make it clear what the business does. Put this right at the top of the page.
  2. Say why this business is great. What makes them better than others?
  3. If you can, include some nice things that other customers have said about the business.
  4. Make it easy for people to contact the business. Have a big, clear button that says something like "Get Help Now" or "Contact Us".
  5. Answer common questions people might have. You can put these in a section called "Frequently Asked Questions" or FAQ.
  6. Use pictures or videos if you can. This makes the page more interesting to look at.
  7. Make sure your page looks good on phones, not just computers. Lots of people use their phones to look stuff up.

Now, let's talk about something called "keywords". Keywords are the words or phrases people type into Google when they're looking for something. You want your page to show up when people type in keywords related to your business.

For example, if you're working with a lawyer in New York who helps people who've been in car accidents, some good keywords might be:

  • "Car accident lawyer New York"
  • "Best car accident attorney NYC"
  • "What to do after a car accident in New York"

You want to use these keywords in your page, but be careful not to overdo it. It should still sound natural when people read it.

There are tools that can help you figure out which keywords to use. They can tell you how many people are searching for different keywords and how hard it might be to get your page to show up for those keywords.

Another important thing is making your page load quickly. People don't like to wait around for slow websites. Here are some ways to make your page faster:

  1. Don't use too many big images or videos.
  2.  Use a good web hosting service. This is like renting space for your website to live on the internet.
  3. If you're using WordPress to make your site, don't install too many plugins. Plugins add extra features, but they can slow things down.

Now, let's talk about backlinks again. Remember, these are when other websites link to yours. They're important because they help show Google that your website is trustworthy.

Getting good backlinks can be tricky. Here are some ways to do it:

  1. Write articles for other websites in your industry. At the end, they might let you link back to your site.
  2. Find websites that list businesses in your area or industry. Ask to be included.
  3. If there are any local business groups or chambers of commerce, see if you can get listed on their websites.
  4. Look for blogs in your industry. See if you can write a guest post for them.

One thing to be careful of: don't buy cheap backlinks from random websites. This can actually hurt your site in the long run. Google is smart and can tell when links aren't natural.

As you're working on your websites, you might start to notice some doing better than others. Maybe one site is getting more visitors, or showing up for more keywords. When you see this happening, it's time to focus more on that site.

Here's what you can do:

  1. Add more content to the page. Maybe expand your FAQ section or add more details about the service.
  2. Try to get more backlinks specifically for this site.
  3. If you're working with a business, ask them if they have any special offers you can put on the page. This can help attract more customers.
  4. Consider making more pages for this site. Add pages about specific services or for different areas the business serves.

Remember, the goal is to keep improving your site over time. The more useful and informative it is, the more likely Google is to show it to people.

Now, let's talk about tracking how well your site is doing. There are a few important things to keep an eye on:

  • How many visitors you're getting
  • How many of those visitors are contacting the business (this is called your "conversion rate")
  • How much money you're making from each customer the business gets through your site
  • Which keywords your site is showing up for in Google

There are tools that can help you track all of this. Google Analytics is a free one that can show you a lot about your visitors. If you're working with a business, they should be able to tell you how many customers they're getting through your site and how much money those customers are spending.

One last thing to remember: be patient! This kind of work takes time to pay off. It might be several months before you start seeing real results. But if you keep at it, you could end up with a valuable asset that makes money for years to come.

So there you have it! That's how you can make money with just one webpage. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes work and patience. But if you do it right, you could end up with some really profitable little websites bringing in money month after month.

Remember the key points:

  1. Find high-value businesses to work with
  2. Make deals where you get paid for bringing them customers
  3. Create simple but effective websites
  4. Use SEO to help people find your websites
  5. Keep improving your sites over time

Good luck with your online money-making journey!

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